Nampa Project


Mickey and Julie Strong


It all started when...

Out of nowhere, Mickey and his family felt a call to move to Idaho in 2015. They were wondering why in the world would God want them to move to a place they had never even visited and could barely pick out on a map. Mickey was serving an amazing church in Indianapolis with big things on the horizon. Julie had just finished Nursing School and jobs opportunities were stacking up! But, after a lot of prayer, and situations that were more than a coincidence they listened to God and moved to the Treasure Valley.

Julie was able to get a great position at one of the local hospitals and Mickey started working for Boise Bible College. During his time with the college he started feeling a call back to the local church. He absolutely loved working for BBC, but the call to church work was getting stronger by the day. 

During his time Mickey met Steve Edwards from the ICPA. Steve told him about the ICPA's mission to plant churches and spread the Gospel. After, about a month Mickey brought up the Idea to Julie, which was no surprise to her. She knew what God had been stirring in his soul, but they had no idea what was about to happen. 

Mickey started doing some research on the Treasure Valley and realized the need for a new church in the City of Nampa. Mickey says,

"Nampa is an amazing city that is growing rapidly and needs the Gospel. We are excited to serve Nampa and show them the amazing grace of God!"

Nampa has been one of the fasted growing cities in Idaho for years and churches are not keeping up with the growth. It is one of the more diverse cities in Idaho, which feels more comfortable for Mickey growing up in urban Indianapolis. 

Currently, Mickey is ramping up in Nampa and is on the ground working to raise support. Canyon Springs in Middleton (right next door to Nampa) is partnering with Mickey part time to help launch him into the Nampa community with support. If you'd like to connect with Mickey you can catch him on Facebook, or over email

(select the "Nampa Project" fund)